133 – Namor Visionaries

Download the "Namor Visionaries" episode.
Download the “Namor Visionaries” episode.

<hr/ > It’s Namor vs. Aquaman in our waterworld series, and we kick things of with Namor Visionaries, Vol. 1,” a collection of the first nine issues of John Byrne’s seminal run on the series as writer and artist. We talk about the cacophony of insane villains, Namor’s intellectual competency, and that wonderful superhero pose. For more information on past or future shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!
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126 – Talkin’ ’bout Sidekicks

Download the "Talkin' 'bout Sidekicks" episode.
Download the “Talkin’ ’bout Sidekick” episode.

We wrap up our sidekick series with an open discussion on the role and function of sidekicks in comics. Are they necessary anymore? Why were they around in the first place? Is there a reason why there’s always some kind of implication of pedophilia with Batman and Robin? C’mon, Tumblr, tell me why. For more information on past or future shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!

123 – The New Prince of Power

Download the "New Prince of Power" episode.
Download the “New Prince of Power” episode.

We start a new arc, “Sidekicks Movin’ Up,” by reading “Incredible Hercules: The New Prince of Power” by Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente. After Hercules’ apparent death, the Gods elect Amadeus Cho to be the new Prince of Power and head up the Olympus Group. There’s just one problem: Amadeus Cho doesn’t believe any of it. We take some time to talk about the definition of “sidekick,” Cho’s state of denial, and the ever-important art of pacing. For more info on past or future shows, visit www.AtomicPoweredSuperCast.com!